What a Year! We will give you a glimpse now because we just couldn’t wait to share some highlights with you. A full overview is coming in the 2022 Annual Report, so be sure to watch for it!
• We now have over 138 surgeons in 48 countries enrolled in the Surgical Sight program
• Dr. Benjamin Warf, Professor of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School and Board Chairperson of our NGO partner, NeuroKids, joined the Ohana One Surgical Sight program to virtually train with his mentee, Dr. Osama Aglan in Cairo. Together they are working on expanding a safer, more specialized shunting procedure for hydrocephalus (water on the brain) for kids in Egypt
• Dr. Giselle Coelho, MD, Ph.D.,Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Santa Casa Hospital and Sabará Hospital joined our program. She is so excited to get started in her new training!
• Dr. Seif Nuru from St. Gaspar Referral and Teaching Hospital in Itigi, Tanzania operated on a young patient born with a very large cyst hygroma. This large benign multilocular cyst was so large it prevented eating and normal growth. Dr. Nuru and his team accessed remote support on his smart glasses from his mentor Dr. Chris Conner, from Georgetown, Texas, USA! Without this technology, this little boy would have lost his life from this cyst.
• Dr. Kush Aeron, a Surgical Sight mentee at Helping Hands Hospital in Dehradun, India, used HelpLightening to discuss a young child’s upcoming hand surgery with Dr. Marshall Partington, his surgical mentor and long-time friend in Kirkland, Washington, USA. This surgery not only improved this young boy’s quality of life, but will allow him to reach his personal goal to join the army once he is of age.
Humanitarian Aid Highlights
• New Board member Sharon Oreck facilitated the delivery of 20 donated pairs of VUZIX M400 smart glasses loaded with TeleVu remote software to support surgeons in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. From there, the technology was distributed to surgeons at hospitals in the war-torn cities Lviv and Kyiv. Along with the glasses, Ohana One provided welcome letters and instructions on how their surgeons can utilize this technology to call for assistance with triage, surgical care, transport, and any other medical or surgical needs.
• Thanks to a very special donor, a full sized container of medical and surgical supplies was shipped to Ukraine and was distributed to people in need.
• Dr David Kulber, Dr Michele Dee and Kylie Tanabe volunteered on behalf of Ohana One with partner NGO, MendingKids, during their Hometown Mission to provide free surgeries to children who had been severely burned from war injuries. These children arrived from Syria and with our other partner, Burnt Children’s Relief Fund, we helped provide some of the multiple surgeries they will need to fully recover.
• Other friends at NGO partner, Healing the Children, alerted us to a dire situation rural northern Nigerians are facing. Their primary care doctors have been lured away to Dubai and Abu Dhabi with higher pay, leaving residents in remote rural areas with NO access to basic care. Dr. Mariette Ahmadi, a Nigerian surgeon and real go-getter was proactive and determined to find an answer. Ohana One quickly responded with a grant toward ten smart glasses and software to easily connect the community members with larger, urban medical clinics. In the hands of Nigeria’s community liaisons, this technology is already greatly impacting patients in rural areas of the country!
• Eva Williams, MD, and Marvee Turk, MD, presented Ohana One’s Surgical Sight Program at The American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons Ninth Annual Winter Meeting.
• Ohana One hosted the following webinars: Best Practices, Surgical Case Discussion, Transforming the Face of Remote Surgical Education, and Beyond the Wearables, and we participated as panelists in 5 additional telemedicine and global health discussions as thought leaders and providers.