
Meet Ohana One's Board President - Ohana One

Written by Rachel Buigas-Lopez | Jul 27, 2021 1:50:47 PM

Dr. Michele Dee’s philanthropic drive is reflected in her daily life. As a faculty member of the Cedars-Sinai Anesthesia Residency Program, Dr. Dee supports the learning of anesthesiology residents and student nurse anesthetists every day. She is one of many board-certified Pediatric Anesthesiologists with Beverly Anesthesiology, the anesthesiology group at Cedars. For the group, she acts as the scheduler and shares duties managing the Cedars operating rooms and anesthesia daily staffing. During the pandemic, Dr. Dee was an integral part of Cedars COVID Airways Team and coordinated donations of PPE to help healthcare workers in need of equipment. 
Additionally, Dr. Dee is the Director of Anesthesiology at Cove Surgery Center– an ambulatory surgery center primarily focused on pediatric reconstructive surgery. 
Dr. Dee’s awareness of the global state of practice combined with her passion for teaching has led her to participate in several international surgical missions for pediatric surgery. A large portion of her work on these trips has involved teaching the anesthesiology staff, including anesthesia physicians, anesthesia physician residents, and nurse anesthetists. 
This work led to Dr. Dee co-founding Ohana One International Surgical Aid and Education, which focuses entirely on Surgical and Anesthesia Care and Education. She believes global health outreach is vital, and it is our collective role to share intellectual resources with countries to improve and increase the care of complex anesthesia and surgical patients.
When not working, Dr. Dee enjoys surfing, skiing, outdoor activities, and spending time with her four children, two of whom have traveled to Africa on surgical missions. She is an active member of her community, having served on the Board of the American Youth Soccer Organization and the Parent Board of every one of her children’s schools. She has been a soccer coach and referee and is an active Patroness in the Peninsula Chapter of the National Charity League.

Read the rest of Dr. Dee’s bio here.