The Ohana One Board of Directors volunteer their time and talents to – well, make the impossible possible! Who would have we could grow, scale and accomplish so much in just 2.5 years! It is their friendship, innovation, creativity, diversity, pure dedication and absolute commitment that makes Ohana One even “remotely” possible!
1. They live outside the box and help us grow more than we could have ever dreamed! Tech + innovation + humanitarian is where they all love to “live”
2. They ALWAYS “show up”. For meetings, calls, events, interviews, and even mission trips. We put out a call and there they are! Attendance and participation is always very high and they like to think big and have fun. And, all of our Board teams are full!
3. They bring a wealth of expertise including legal, surgical, international humanitarian aid and spirit, financial management, strategic partnerships, investment backgrounds, marketing, communications, storytelling, traditional and new media, and critical analytics.
4. 100% board giving! Each year, every year. This is not negotiable.
5. They bring in new resources and new ideas.
6. They freely give off their time to help with everything from problem-solving to making amazing documentaries (coming soon!) to connecting us with new partners.
7. Their commitment to Ohana One’s mission, and the surgeons and their patients is truly unparalleled.
8. They set the course for Ohana One annually by defining our goals and setting our budget (with a little help from the Ohana Team).
9. They are strategic advisors and a sounding board for all of our big decisions. A special shout out to the DEVS
Team on this one – this is where a lot of the heavy lifting happens!
10. While accomplishing all of this, they know how to make it enjoyable!